
Work Sample 4: User Options Flowchart

User Options Flowchart work sample for iSpeakNerd.

Work Sample 4: User Options Flowchart

Work Sample 4: User Options Flowchart

Project: POAP Distribution Methods

Context: As a community member and POAP creator, I was very confused by the overwhelming amount of options for delivering POAPs to users. But there was no documentation at the time, Fall 2022, giving cross-option considerations, all the docs were focused on method → use but as a user I found myself confused and lost because I had the use but was struggling to choose the proper method. I created this flowchart to focus on the user perspective.

Achievements: I learned to think about inverting the engineering mindset of method → use and made this to focus on the user perspective of uses → method.

Live version:

POAP Distribution Methods Flowchart

POAP Distribution Methods Flowchart

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.